Goodbye FaceBook, Helloooo FamilySearch
I've had this growing feeling pressing in my heart lately...I have my quick-links (that always show on the righthand side of my online computer screen) in alphabetical order...Aesop, BYU Broadcasting, Canyons School District, Church News, Dictionary, Facebook, Family Search ... THERE! That's the one! I've noticed I click on Facebook every day to see how you are all doing. I click on FamilySearch now and then. I feel my ancestors prompting my spirit to spend more time on their behalf.
As much as I love knowing
what everyone is up to and seeing pictures... I really need to honor this feeling! There are some facebook entries I will really miss... I love the Church's short messages of love and inspiration and there are others but I'm going to spend the summer working on FamilySearch and in the Temple. Maybe later I'll reevaluate.
I also realized that I enjoy the blogs the most so I'm going to continue blogging (I use my blog for some of my journal entries) and continue keeping up with the blogs I love... Please keep in touch via your own amazing blog or via email! Goodbye facebook.... HELLO FAMILYSEARCH! My love to all....
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