We needed a new Stake Camp Director. As I sat and listened to each speaker I felt really impressed that one of their leaders was supposed to be called as our Stake Camp Director. I was concerned about it because that ward struggles and they have the best leaders in place to really help the situation. The Spirit persisted and I relented and turned in her name... Emma Leavitt...she gave me permission to share her story.
I had the privilege of being there when Emma was set apart. The 2nd Counselor in the Stake Presidency invited her husband to stand with him as they laid hands on her head. Afterwords, I thanked her husband for sharing his wife because I knew it was going to take a lot of time and work. He smiled. And then she said, (with tears welling up in her eyes), "We are grateful to serve because we have some challenges and we need the blessings."

Little did I know that her challenges include the fact that her husband has been ill and doctors can't figure out what's wrong... Little did I know that three and a half months after they were married he had an unexpected seizure that would change their life forever (that seizure left him in the vulnerable and precarious state of a child and many of the things he'd been doing for years, he had to learn all over again... like walking and personal hygiene). Many people, in and out of the church, told Emma to divorce him. She clung to the hope that their marriage is eternal and that one day he would be fully restored. They have been working with this challenge for 6 years now.
Little did I know that their Bishop and both of them received the witness that he would be called home soon. Little did I know that he's already said his goodbyes to his family and friends. Little did I know that the funeral is already planned and that
they are saving pennies to pay for it. Little did I know that, in a nutshell, she is facing widow-hood at 36. When I learned all of this I wept and I also looked with new perspective at my own challenges. And she sat there in the Presidency office with gratitude in her heart for a calling that will take quite a bit of time because she says it will help her take her focus off of her sorrows.

What an inspiration! And what a testimony to me that the Lord loves His children. In this instance, it's a good thing I didn't know, "the rest of the story" from the beginning or I might have completely ignored the Spirit... Thank you Emma for your valiant testimony that God blesses and lifts those who serve Him!
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