Monday, February 1, 2010

Funny Sacrament Meeting

Yesterday, Mark conducted for the first time in his new calling as the 2nd counselor in our Bishopric. He did just fine and had this comical experience. The 2nd counselor in the Young Men's presidency was sitting with 2 of the priests at the sacrament table... from my vantage point it I could see it coming... the counselor and the 2 priests lift the table cloth as the sacrament song starts and their eyes get really large.. they look at each other and then the counselor stands up and walks into the little room at the back... comes out empty handed and kneels down and whispers in Mark's ear that there isn't any bread and he'll run home and get some... Mark whispers to the Bishop, who is hard of hearing and wears hearing he motions for Mark to write it down... Mark takes a program and at the top writes, No Bread. The Bishop nods and they whisper again. When we finish the sacrament song Mark stands up and says there will be a slight deviation in the program and asks the first speaker to speak. The bread arrived, the organist played another sacrament hymn while the bread was being prepared... the rest of the meeting went as planned... interesting though... Mark just took it all in stride with a big smile on his face!!


Jess said...

That is too funny! Tell him congrats on his new calling for us! :) Hope you guys are doing well! We miss you and we miss the ward!

Terri French said...

Way to go, Mark!! I'm sure he will be wonderful in the bishopric.